The Internet Marketing Handbook is a free resource that contains almost 100 tools and learning resource that help to master Internet Marketing. It was compiled by Danny Dover and is the result of literally hundreds of hours of study and practice in marketing online and search engine optimization techniques. The information below represents the web's best resources and tools. All of the items listed below are available to the general public and most are free of charge. Enjoy!
Link Building
Hub Finder is an open source link analysis tool which looks for co occurring backlinks.
The Backlink Anchor Text Analysis tool looks at the backlinks to your website and returns a list of common anchor text phrases that were found.
Hub Finder is web based software which looks for hub pages using the Yahoo! API. It allows you to find sites which link to common resources that you manually enter, or resources that rank well in Yahoo! for a specific term.
Learning Resources
A compilation of all of the link building techniques listed on SEOmoz
Melanie Nathan describes top level way of managing link building campaigns
Andy Beal provides explanation on why topical links are necessary in link building campaigns
A informative guide that explains some of the kinds of links and the steps necessary to get them
If “Content is King“, then links are what put that king on the throne... 66 methods for building links
Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall provide 101 tips to link build
A comprehensive list of special searches that identify places to find links
An explanation of why inbound links help entire domains rather than just the pages they link too
The complete list of all blog posts on SEOmoz that have to do with link building
A giant list of all kinds of link building technique
Keyword Research
Wordtracker was established by Andy Mindel and Mike Mindel in 1997 to answer "What are people searching for on the Web?"
Microsoft's adCenter Add-in is a keyword research and optimization tool, based in Excel and including the Ad Intelligence model, which enables you to build keyword lists, plan keyword strategies and forecast daily keyword impressions.
The term extractor analyzes the content of a given page and extracts the terms that appear to be targeted at search engines. It applies certain weights to HTML elements and other on-page factors to determine what it thinks is a targeted term.
KeywordDiscovery compiles keyword search statistics from over 180 search engines world wide, to create the most powerful Keyword Research tool.
Keyword Research that gives you access to over 295 billion keywords in 41 languages spanning 243 countries using multiple keyword sources
Soovle is keyword research tool that compares the amount of queries between 7 major websites in an appealing visual manner
Learning Resources
Danny Sullivan lists some keyword research tools and explains how to use them
This guide focuses on keyword research as an important facet of search engine optimization and Internet marketing
Tony Adam discuses how important it is to understand keyword research
Rand Fishkin discusses keyword research and shows examples of how it is done
Hamlet Batista discusses the importance of understanding users while conducting keyword research
Use social media to explore your niche and learn more about your audience
Keyword research can be the difference between a successful blog and one that goes nowhere. Learn to avoid the latter
Jordan Kasteler discusses how to perform advanced keyword research
Rand Fishkin provides a solid list of every which way you can look at a keyword to get an idea of metrics, value and potential from the engines themselves.
The complete list of all blog posts on SEOmoz that have to do with Keyword Research
Learn to how keyword cannibalization happens so you can prevent it
Content Creation
Defending your rights online, Copyscape is the leading provider of services that protect your content against online plagiarism and theft.
Creative Commons Search will help you find photos, music, text, books, educational material, and more that is free to share or build upon utilizing Creative Commons enabled search services at Google, Yahoo!, and Flickr.
The goRank ontology lookup tool checks the top 1000 Google results for your keywords by running a related word query.
A list of tools that will help you write excellent content
Learning Resources
Matt Cutts discusses how to write quality blog content and illustrates some of the benefits
A video outlining how to create awesome material that keeps your readers interested and engaged.
The SEO Copywriting 2.0 tutorial is designed to provide you with a step-by-step strategy for creating content that scores links and ranks well in search engines in five easy lessons.
A very powerful picture that explains a very powerful and important SEO principle.
On-Page Optimization
The Term Targeting tool helps determine how well a page is targeting a particular keyword. After analyzing the frequency and location of the keyword throughout the page, the tool assigns a letter and percentage grade that reflects the strength of the keyword usage.
A tool that crawls and identifies the density and importance of a given keyword on a given page.
Learning Resources
This document represents the collective wisdom of 37 leaders in the world of organic search engine optimization. Together, they have voted on the various factors that are estimated to comprise Google's ranking algorithm
A great explanation of how to do on page SEO with large dynamic websites
A helpful article identifying several ways to optimize internal pages.
A very useful checklist for on page SEO
A video article describing the necessary steps to conduct great on page SEO
Crawling and Indexing Issues
This tool is used to test how accessible your site is to search engines and can help you quickly diagnose potential crawling issues and give you an overview of your site's search friendliness.
An excellent tool for analyzing many important crawl related metrics
This SEO tool looks at the three major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, and MSN) and reports back how many pages you appear to have indexed.
An essential Firefox plugin that gives the user the ability to change their browsers User-Agent
Shows the source code of a page, all outbound links, and common words and phrases.
This SEO tool looks at the three major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, and MSN) and reports back whether your URL appears to be indexed.
This tool analyzes the HTML pages : finding headers, internal and external links, show img links, etc.
Learning Resources
This guide was developed specifically to help website developers, executives, marketing personnel, and online publishers navigate the often-complicated process of launching or modifying a website to enable the highest potential of traffic from the major search engines (Yahoo!, Google, and MSN).
Are you interested in tracking the IP addresses of search engine spiders? You can see my latest lists of search engine IP addresses and User-Agents here.
Controlling what content is blocked from being found in search engines is crucial for many websites. Fortunately, the major search engines and other well-behaved robots observe the Robots Exclusion Protocol (REP).
Serge Bondar discusses the finer points of online robots.
One of the frustrations of doing SEO for large websites is the fact that Google makes it very difficult to see more than a small part of the search index. This article helps explain how to do it.
Social Media Marketing
The tool is the the ultimate time saver to building powerful social media accounts. One of the secrets of top Diggers, Stumblers, Navigators etc... is being the first to submit stories already becoming popular on other social news sites.
Learning Resources
Explanations of the algorithms used by popular social media sites
The first of a three part series on linkbaiting and social media marketing
The top 100 social media tools list has been compiled from a cohort of learning professionals who shared their Top 10 Tools for Learning both for their own personal learning/productivity and for creating learning solutions for others.
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